RAI: Our Mission
Recovery Assistance, Inc. Ministries (RAI Ministries) restores faith, home, and community in the Name of Jesus Christ through the operation of Camp Restore, a volunteer camp in New Orleans, Louisiana. Our volunteer groups and staff physically rebuild family dwellings, churches, and schools and participate in numerous community projects while providing emotional and spiritual care to those in need.The total impact reaches across the entire nation as volunteers have returned home with a renewed (or brand-new) interest and dedication for sharing the love of Christ in their own congregations and communities. Combined with the mission opportunities available, the unique culture, people and history of New Orleans make for meaningful short-term mission and service-learning trips to Camp Restore.
We invite you to partner with us in restoring faith, home, and community through prayer, volunteering, and/or financial support as we bring the hope of Jesus Christ for those in need.
Get Involved today! goto Camprestore.org and their latest newsletter then hit <horizontal size>
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