Thursday, October 6, 2011

Saturday, Oct. 1, 2011

The team did a great job!  Turning a very daunting challenge into a front wall that can be built upon.  But it may take up to 3 years before the 106 year old grandmother and her multi-generational family can return to it.  Walt told us that next week he has a team of 12 volunteers. Our team of 5 was the first team in this "season".  Now through the end of the year, they primarily have adult teams from all over the country.  During the Spring, they frequently have college teams, totalling up to 150 in one week.  Overall, last year, they had 4000 volunteers.  So far this calendar year, 2500.  click <here> to get to the page where you can download the Camp Restore September 2011 volunteer newsletter.
  When downloading and the Adobe Reader opens, but does nothing, click on the zoom size buttons to see the display.

In the meantime, we are watching for opportunities to help in the recovery efforts in the eastern half of New York State, which had flood and storm damage this summer.

Also, watch your church bulletin for scheduling of a report from our Nashivlle and New Orleans teams.

We left New Orleans at 10:00 AM CDT and got into Rochester at 3:00 PM EDT via Air Tran.  No, we didn't use a NASA rocket assembled in New Orleans (plant now essentially closed):

And we need to remember that the construction materials were provided by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans through a grant from their "Care Abounds in Communities" program:
Previous days below.

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